For press inquiries please contact [email protected].

Launch Announcement, January 7, 2020

Petition language approved for LGBTQ civil rights ballot proposal, January 28, 2020

Fair and Equal Michigan raises nearly $640,000 in four weeks, February 11, 2020

More than 20 Michigan mayors support adding LGBTQ protections to state civil rights law, February 12, 2020

The Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti Regional Chamber voices its support for adding LGBTQ protections to Michigan civil rights law, March 3, 2020

100,000 people sign petition to prohibit LGBTQ discrimination in Michigan, March 9, 2020

Statement from Fair and Equal Michigan on coronavirus response, March 13, 2020

Fair and Equal Michigan to collect electronic signatures to keep safe from COVID-19 and campaign moving forward, April 13, 2020

Big Three Automakers announce joint support for banning LGBTQ discrimination in Michigan, April 15, 2020

Michigan’s largest employers lend their support to campaign to ban LGBTQ discrimination, April 27, 2020

Michigan LGBTQ equality campaign files lawsuit to maintain constitutional right to citizen-initiated law, May 26, 2020

Fair and Equal Michigan secures endorsement from Business Leaders for Michigan, July 20, 2020

Fair and Equal Michigan submits petitions to move historic LGBTQ anti-discrimination law forward, October 13, 2020

Fair and Equal Michigan Annual Campaign Finance Report Shows $3 million Raised in 2020; Urges Action by Legislature, Feb. 1, 2021

37 National Organizations Call on Michigan Lawmakers to Pass Equal Rights for LGBTQ People, Feb. 10, 2021

Fair and Equal Michigan Applauds Southwest Michigan First and CEO Lee Chatfield for Support of LGBTQ Citizens Bill, Feb. 18. 2021

Local Chambers of Commerce Across Michigan Endorse Fair and Equal Michigan, Apr. 28, 2021